Rabu, 14 Maret 2012



1.1         Background of The Study

In Indonesia English is the first foreign language, which is learnt in formal and non-formal schools.  In formal schools, it is taught from elementary until university level. Even now, it has been taught since kindergarten or play group and becomes the main subject which has to be achieved by them. However, most students often complain that English is hard to understand and be a difficult subject for them to learn.
Therefore, as teachers should find the most effective ways in teaching vocabulary. According to Hubbard as cited in Syarifah (2001:1) teachers must make sure that students have understood the new words which will be remembered better if introduced in memorable way. It means that the teacher have to be more effective in teaching learning process, such as finding the suitable method or use variety of teaching techniques in order to help students to learn it well.
There are a lot of methods, techniques or strategies which can be applied in teaching vocabulary. However, they are not quite effective without teaching aid. Teaching aid is one of the important things which can support and make teaching process more interesting, and enable the students to improve their vocabulary easily. Many kinds of teaching aids can be used in teaching vocabulary, and of those teaching aids supporting the learning activity is dictionary. As nation (1989) says “ as well as being source information, dictionaries can also be aids to learning”.  In other words, dictionaries can help learners understanding and produce a word.
There are some types of dictionary; one of them is picture dictionary. Picture dictionary can be used in teaching vocabulary. It can help the students to understand a word easier because every word is presented in an interesting and enjoyable way and it also provides picture. Collin (1993) states that “ picture dictionary is a book containing words of the language with the pictures”. It means that by applying an appropriate technique to teach vocabulary can help the students to understand the word. The using of picture dictionary can be an effective way or an alternative way in teaching vocabulary.


A.      Vocabulary
          1.    The Nature of Vocabulary
          Vocabulary is one of the language components that plays important role in learning a language.  Without a sufficient vocabulary, people cannot communicate  and express their ideas effectively. As Burton says in Nurudin (2002:13) “ vocabulary is needed by people to understand the meaning of words and help them express the idea precisely”.
          In addition Zhihong (2000:18) has also argued “ words are the basic unit of language form.” It can be implied that by using words, we can put forward our opinions and thoughts in order to make the communication go on. Furthermore, Schmitt (2000:19) states that”….one of the key elements in learning a foreign language is mastering the L2’s vocabulary”. It is cleared that second pr foreign language learners should know, learn and master the vocabulary, so by having and learning vocabulary, it can help a learner understand the language easily.
          Mastering vocabulary is an important and should be developed by a learner, without having enough vocabulary, it would be hard to convey the ideas or opinion. River says in Nunan (1991:125) “ vocabulary is essential for successful second language use because, without an extensive vocabulary, we will be unable to use structure and functions, we may have learned for comprehensible communication. In addition definition is stated by Richards (2002:255) “ vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read and write. Therefore develop learners’ progress in understanding English, learners should keep on learning new vocabulary items every day.  It means that the development of a rich vocabulary is an important element in the acquisition of a second language.
          Besides that, Schmitt (2000:151) argues that “vocabulary is systematically recycled and added to as the reader works through the series”. It means that learning vocabulary is a cyclical process of meeting new words and initial learning, followed by meeting those words again, each time extending knowledge of what the mean and how the tone used in the foreign language. In this case, the learner has to know what a word sounds like (its pronunciation) and what it looks like (it spelling). These are fairly obvious characteristics, and one or the other will be perceived by the learner when encountering the item for the first time. In teaching, we need to make sure that both these aspects are accurately presented and learned.

          2.    Component of vocabulary
Learning vocabulary is not as easy as we thought. However, it will be easily to learn if we know the components of the vocabulary itself. As Read (2000:28) points out that there are three components in vocabulary:
1.        The context of vocabulary
The term context has referred to the sentence or utterance in which the target word occurs. For instance, in a multiple-choice vocabulary item. It is normally recommended that the stem should consist of a sentences containing the word to be tested.
2.        Vocabulary knowledge and fundamental process
The second component in frame work of vocabulary is the one that has received the most attention from applied linguist and second language teacher.
3.        Met cognitive strategies for vocabulary use
       The strategies are employed by all language user to manage the ways that they used their vocabulary knowledge in communication.

3.    Vocabulary strategies
     There are some strategies in learning and comprehending vocabulary as follow:
1.         Contextualization           
This means putting new vocabulary words into sentences to help your remember them and to tests if you are using them correctly. You can use these sentences when talking to an English-speaker to see if they understand.
2.    Elaboration
This means relating new information to information you already know. For example, if you know the meaning of ‘information’, it is easy to remember that the verb is ‘to inform, and that ‘informative’ is an adjective, and that ‘an informant’ is someone who gives information.

3.    Inferencing     
To predict or guess the meanings, by using the available information. For example, if you know that you are reading about football, and you know that a field is often a large area covered in grass, then you can guess that football field is a large, grassy area for playing football.
4.    Translation
You can read a story in a newspaper in your own language first, then read the same story in an English newspaper.
5.    Personalization
       You can write down  why the vocabulary item is important to you, where you first saw it, and when you used it, for example, you may heard the item in a movie you liked, and used the item when you talked about the movie with your friends.
7.    Keeping your own dictionary            
       Writing entire for the dictionary will help you to learn words, using your own dictionary can be faster than a normal dictionary.
8.    Grouping
       You can group words into different areas, such as words in different courses you study. For example, business students could group vocabulary items into marketing vocabulary, accounting vocabulary, and human resources vocabulary.

4.    Teaching vocabulary to the children
Teaching vocabulary is very important, especially for beginners because the children are easy to memorize some words. As Harmer says (2001:37) “ some people say that children  learn languages faster than adults do. They talk to children who appear to pick up new language effortlessly. Perhaps this has something to do with the plasticity of young brain.” It is clear that the teacher should introduce English as a foreign language to the children since they are still young. They should know as many vocabularies as possible, so they will not have problems when they speak, listen, read or write.
The teacher should know what words that are taught to the children. The words should often be used as many as possible, so they will remember them easily. The words should also be interesting.  It means that the words which are easy to remember, easy to say etc. As West says in Nunan (1991:118) “ teaching young learners the words are most likely to encounter frequently is the most cost effective way of building a functional vocabulary.”
Therefore, before the teachers teach the students, they have to know the steps or strategies of vocabulary learning. According to Hatch and Brown in Cameron (1995:372) describe five “ essential steps” in vocabulary learning:
1.        Having sources for encountering new words;
2.        Getting a clear image, whether visual or auditory or both, for the forms of the new words;
3.        Learning the meaning of the words;
4.        Making a strong memory connection between the forms and meaning of the words;
5.        Using the words
It means, learning words is not like ticking off items on a shopping list when they have been taught, but it likes a continual process.
   5.    Kinds of way of teaching vocabulary
   There are a lot of ways of teaching and learning new words, that can be used by the teacher to explain the words and Nation (1990:54) in Cameron listed basic techniques. He divides the techniques in to two techniques.
a.       By demonstration or pictures
1.      Using an object
2.      Using a cut-out figure
3.      Using gesture
4.      Performing an action
5.      Photographs
6.      Drawings or diagrams on the board
7.      Pictures from books
b.      By verbal explanation
1.      Analytical definition
2.      Putting new word in a defining context (e.g. an ambulance takes sick people to hospital)
3.      Translating into another language.

     In addition, Cross (1991:5), listed several ways in teaching English vocabulary:
1.      Using realia
The students will be more interested in learning new words when they see real thing. They also can touch the objects shown in the classroom. The teacher shows the objects, says the words, and asks the students to repeat.
2.      Using pictures / pictures-photos
The visual aids can be used as a media to transfer the meaning of unfamiliar words. Sometimes, bringing the real objects into the class is impossible, such as an elephant, a house, etc. The teacher can bring pictures into the classroom to show the meaning of the objects. For presentation purposes, simple pictures are better because the focus is clearer.
3.      Body movement
It can be used to get the meaning of words. These are the techniques that can be used:
§   Facial expression, to show feeling (e.g. happy, smiling, hot, thirsty, angry, tired).
§   Gesture, using hands and arms to show a range of meaning (e.g. fast, small, curving, wide, rolling).
§   Mime and action, to show many verbs and some adverbs (e.g. to stagger, to eat, to slip, to wake up, slowly, angrily).
§   Synonyms: giving synonymous word in context.
Example: The volcano emits smokes and ashes. It sends them out to the sky.
§   Antonym: giving the opposite of the target word in a context.
Example: The Borobudur temple is an ancient building, but Shangrila Hotel is a modern one .
§   Translation. This is the last technique that is used to teach new vocabulary. The students may be bored because they don’t see, touch the objects and they don’t think to guess the meaning. This is a quick and easy way to present the meaning of the words.
§   Dictionaries
Good dictionaries can give the students, especially who learn English as a foreign language, more information than just the meaning of words. They can tell how words are pronounced and how words are used in the sentences.
       From the explanation above, the writer conclude that learning or teaching vocabulary can be an easy or hard thing. The teachers should think the techniques they used, how well they know the learners itself, and the classroom where they learn. As Cameron (2001:93) listed the general principles of helping children to learn:
·           Teacher can model how to use strategies and draw children’s attention explicitly to aspects of strategy use.
·           Teacher can teach the sub-skills needed to make use of strategies.
·           Classroom task can include structured opportunities for using strategies.
·           Independent strategy use can be rehearsed in classrooms.
·           Young learners can be helped to reflect on the learning process through evaluating their achievements.
B.   Teaching aids
       In teaching learning process, the role of a teacher is considered to be most influential in the classroom that can determine the success of the teaching-learning process. Therefore, a teacher has to be able to apply various techniques in teaching English especially in teaching vocabulary.
       In process of learning English, teaching aids has an important role. It can help the students to understand the material given. One of the teaching aids is dictionary. Moreover Landau (1998:1) says “ a dictionary is a list of words with their definition, a list of characters with their glyph, or a list of words with corresponding words in other languages”. In addition Bauer (1998:62) states “ dictionaries are the ultimate word-book and often are associated with some of the magic of words.” It is clear that dictionaries are the essential vocabulary reference aid. Schmitt adds (2000:90) “Dictionaries are the essential reference aid”. It means that dictionaries are generally used when the students have already come across a word and then look it up to check that they know how to use it.
1.      Kinds of dictionaries
       According to Nation (2001:288) there are three major kinds of learners’ dictionaries in terms of the languages they use: monolingual, bilingual and bilingualised.
§   Monolingual dictionaries are written all in one language, an English monolingual dictionary has an English headword, an English definition, and all examples and other information in English.
§   Bilingual dictionaries use two languages. The headword and the examples are in one language and the meaning is in another. Many bilingual dictionaries contain little information about each word; they can be seen as a complement rather than a competitor to monolingual dictionaries. Moreover, some bilingual dictionaries provide substantial information about each word.
§   Bilingual dictionaries contain the information that is in a monolingual dictionary plus a translation of the headword.
2.      Using of the dictionary
       A good dictionary is an essential tool for a writer. We use it to check meanings, spelling, usage, pronunciation or syllabication of a word. Dictionaries can be used for a wide range of purposes. As Scholfield says in nation (2001:261) “ Dictionaries can be used for comprehension (listening and reading) and it can be used for production (speaking and writing)” and Nation (1989:281) has also argued “ as well as being sources of information, dictionaries can also be aids to learning)”. It means that dictionaries can help the learners to understand and produce a word.
       The following list covers most purposes for dictionary use, based on Nation (2001:281) they are:
1.      Comprehension
         There are three purposes for dictionary use which are to be used for comprehension (listening and reading). First look up unknown words met while listening, reading and translating. Second, confirm the meanings of partly known words and the third, confirm guesses from context.
2.      Production
         Using a dictionary for productive use (speaking and writing) is sometimes called using a dictionary for encoding that is, turning idea into language. It involves finding words form to express messages which needed to speak, write or translate. Besides, the learners are not only use a dictionary for checking the spelling, pronunciation, meaning, etc. of known words but also it can used for checking that a word exists.
3.      Learning
         The purposes for using dictionary in language learning are learning unknown words and enriching knowledge of partly known words.
         Based on Johnson (1992:389) in “ improving college skill” there are four uses of dictionary. First, a dictionary uses a variety of ways to explain word meanings. Then, a dictionary is the place to go to find the correct spelling of a word. Next, a dictionary is also the place to go to determine where to divide a word at the end of a line when you are writing. The last is another frequent use of the dictionary involves determining pronunciation.
From the explanation above, the writer concludes that a dictionary can be used in teaching-learning process, especially who learn English as a foreign language. It can give more information than just meaning of words. By using dictionary the students are able to pronounced the words and know how words are used in the sentences.
C.   Picture dictionary
       To enrich the children’s experience in learning the meanings of the words, the teachers have to try to select strategies that can be useful and beneficial. To the children. A great way to show information is through a picture dictionary. It can help the students understand a word easier because it also provides the picture in full colors. Therefore, the children are able to identify the meaning of a word quickly by seeing the pictures. Colin says in Watson (1993:1) “ picture dictionary is a book containing words of language with the pictures”. By presenting the words in an interesting and enjoyable way, children are encourage to look up meanings and learn more words for themselves with easily and confidently.
       Furthermore, Graves and Rein in Nunan (1991:127) “ picture dictionary is one of effective ways to teach vocabulary item because it takes exciting visual aids by laying out words and pictures.” In addition, Simon (1995:5) states that “ picture dictionary merupakan bagian penting dalam memperkaya kosa kata Bahasa Inggris dan merupakan bahan pendukung untuk pengajaran pada tingkat pemula maupun anak-anak”. It is clear that picture dictionary is useful as a first book to aid in vocabulary development, spelling and alphabetizing skills, or as an enjoyable, practical language reference source for beginning readers, it also makes language live.
D.   The function of picture dictionary
       According to Molinsky (1995;7), there are five functions of picture dictionary, are as follow:
1.      Picture dictionary can help children learn a new language and help them remember new words.
2.      To enrich vocabulary knowledge of partly unknown words.
3.      To look up meanings and learn more words for children easily and confidently.
4.      To provide the students information about the meanings of words with pictures.
5.      To help the teachers explain the words in teaching vocabulary.
E.    The advantages and disadvantages of using picture dictionary
       There are several advantages and disadvantages of using picture dictionary according to Simon and Schuster (2004) :
a.       The advantages of using picture dictionary:
1.      The students will know the precisely the meaning of unfamiliar words since the words are presenting in an interesting and enjoyable way.
2.      The students will know the meaning of a lot of unfamiliar words in a short time since they are seeing the pictures.
3.      The students can create a picture to show their meaning.
4.      The students will be more active and creative in learning language.
b.      The disadvantages of using picture dictionary:
1.      The students feel restrained since they are given many new words to memorize without having a chance to apply those words in the real context.
2.      There is a possibility of misunderstanding using the words in other moment since the teacher does not give the example on how to use those particular words.
3.      They will disturb against each other since they pay much attention to the pictures.


III. 1. Conclusion
       Teaching English, especially vocabulary is not an easy thing to do for the teachers. They need to be creative, active and innovative in order to make the students enjoyable to learn English. As we know, since English as one of the main subject in each level from play group or kindergarten until university, as the teachers, we have to improve and development our teaching technique. One of the teaching techniques is by using aids. It can help the teachers convey their knowledge to the students easily and understandable.
       Therefore, from the explanation at the previous chapter, the writer concludes that by using teaching aids, especially picture dictionary. It can help the students to understand the new words easily, and for the teachers, it can help them to explain the material enjoyable and fun. Even, it has some advantages and disadvantages. It does not give any important effect, because as the teachers we can improve, develop, combine or change the techniques as long as the learners understand and enjoyable.


Bauer, Laurie. 1998. Vocabulary. New York: Tj International Lt;.

Cross, David. 1991. A Practical Handbook of Language Teaching. London. Fakenham Photosetting Ltd;

Harmer, Jeremy. 2001. The Practice of English Learning 3rd Edition. London. Longman;

Jhonson, Ben E. 1992. Improving College Learning Skills. Canada: D.C. Health and Company;

Landau, Sidney I., Simon and Schuster. 1998. Dictionaries, The Art and Craft of Lexicography. Available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dictionary (Desember 2004);

Molinsky, J Steven.1995. Word by Word Basic Picture Dictionary. Singapore. Prentice hall Regents;

Nunan, David. 1991. Language Teaching Methodology. London: Prentice Hall Publishing;

Nurudin, 2002. Teaching Vocabulary through Short Story. Jakarta: UIN Jakarta;

Read, Jhon. 2000. Assessing Vocabulary. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press;

Richard. Jack C. 2002. Methodology in Language Teaching. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press;

Schmitt, Norbert. 2000. Vocabulary in Language Teaching. New York: Cambridge University Press;

Syarifah, Nur. 2001. The Effectiveness of Games to Enrich Students’ Vocabulary. English Education Department FKIP. Pakuan University Bogor: Unpublished;

Zhihong, Yang. 2000. Learning Words. July. English Teaching Forum 

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